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New Member
Hello everybody,

I need to build a wireless transceiver project for school.
I'm just wondering where I can go to start collecting informations such as schematic diagrams or any kind.


jebb888 said:
I need to build a wireless transceiver project for school.
I'm just wondering where I can go to start collecting informations such as schematic diagrams or any kind.

You don't have your location filled in, so we've no idea what country you might be in?. This makes a huge difference to what you can build, most countries require you to have a licence for a radio transmitter, and the frequencies you can use vary as well. Your teacher probably wouldn't be too impressed with your building an illegal project, which could get the school prosecuted!.

But aside from that, RF construction is fairly difficult, getting more so the higher you go - if you're not highly experienced, I would suggest you would be better trying something simpler?.
I know that i suggest this transmitter for everyone that needs a transmitter, but thats cuz its such a great transmitter. construction isn't that critial, other than the indcutor. i built this thing on veroboard without a ground plane and it works great.

Itll transmit 100 feet with a piece o junk clok radio that i have. Antena length= 8-10 inches. It's tiny too, I'm going to build another one that will be as wide and long as a 9v battery, so itll just snap onto the battery :lol: . The best thing is (in america neway), its legal!! and u dont need a license or anything. if you want to impress the teacher, i wouldnt use a variable cap cuz then youll be sitting there trying to find the signal. if u just use a regular 2 digit pf cap, then the frequency will stay the same and there will be no tuning

have fun :lol:


  • fmtrans_945.jpg
    265.4 KB · Views: 371
zack, that transmitter is part of a transceiver, the other part would simply be the receiver. :wink:

the trick is wiring them up to work togethor, which basically hooks both to the same antannae.

Now, that would be a very basic single channel transceiver, the more complex ones include multiple channels, channel guard, double or UP conversion to reduce noise, less bandwidth then FM radio, delayed AGC as well as auxillary AGC, squelch, and some type of noise limiter.
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