Transformer sending signal and power (Industrial)

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Hi board,

I have a transducer which is outputting frequency 1Hz to 1KHz 5VTTL . I need this to be conveyed at a distance of 5meter in an automotive . I was thinking to use an audio transformer ferrite to couple this frequency and then down convert this to voltage via RC integrator . I want to get advise for;

1) after sensor output pulses should we amplify the pulses to 12V via MOSFET , what transformer is best for 1Hz to 1KHz (Ferrite core /Iron?). What topology is good a push pull or direct drive the Transformer?

2) At the receiver side is it ok to down convert the frequency to voltage via RC integrator ? . I can tolerrate an error of 2% no problem .

Any other good idea to do this for industrial application.

Thanks in Advance
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Have you considered a LM2917 freq to voltage converter at the source and connect the dc output across 5 mtr via screened 2 core cable.?
Have you considered a LM2917 freq to voltage converter at the source and connect the dc output across 5 mtr via screened 2 core cable.?

Hi, At the receive side , I cannot do much changes as this is an addon to a PCB as this got left somehow . I was thinking to put in a simple RC integrator at the receive side! . I wonder if the signal/frequency transmission this way stays clear from noise ? and Humm .


I would make the F2V on a small pcb as close possible to the source, IMO it easier to filter 'dc' signals against noise than switched signals.

Regards the simple R/C integrator, depending upon the 'load' offered by the receiving circuit you may need a buffer amp after the integrator.
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