Transformer wiring

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New Member
Can anyone tell me why in some circuits the transformer secondary
is not floating but tied to one of the primary terminals ?
It is not an autotransformer so what is the point of doing that?

Thanks in advance


  • two.GIF
    2.8 KB · Views: 166
There could be a lot of reasons, sometimes the secondary is tied to the primary so that there is an earth ground.
The answer is quite simple, it's because the designer wanted it that way - no isolation across the transformer.
Thank you for your answer.
This earth ground reason I may understand if the transformer's output is to be referred to ground or if in an audio amp stage grounding is needed but this i have seen in many other circuits even stun guns like the attached G. L. CHEMELEC circuit


  • Stun-Gun-3a.png
    8.8 KB · Views: 299
This is a very tough question to answer simply because of the fact that there are so many reasons. The only one that knows exactly why the 2 coils are tied together is the designer of the circuit. Track him down if you need to know, he/she will explain it better than anyone in here can.
This stun gun circuit is just for example ,many other circuits have the same
wiring for a reason which seems to be a general or a basic one.
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