The depleation region does not dissappear as soon as forward bias is applied. It is always present, but it is modified.
Vbe and Vbc are determined by the bias arrangement AND the transistor characterists, and are easily calculated as AG's posts clearly show.
If you can't understand a simple voltage divider, then you should do a very thorough review of basic DC circuitry. It's simple Ohm's law for calculation of voltages, ressitances and currents. Look at it this way: the current through any series connected resistros is the applied voltage divided by the total resistance of the series:
I = V(applied)/R(total) - Ohm's law
Knowing the current, and understand that current is constant in any series cirsuit, you can calculate the voltage across any one of the series connected resistors.
V(any single resistor) = I*R
or, using the first eqn in the second:
V(any single resistro) = R*V(applied)/R(total)
V(any single resistor) = V * R/R(total)