That's a great idea, but i thought i would mention another idea that ensures that the post will always be at least somewhat readable. This comes into play because often the Latex site code break down or just doesnt work due to a forum upgrade, and sometimes it takes quite a while to be fixed. I mention this on other sites too now because it has happened on EVERY site i have ever replied in.
The idea is very simple, and that is to provide some redundant information in the form of pure text. This takes a little extra time but not much and but provides two important advantages:
1. If the Latex code breaks down the message is still fully readable.
2. The reader can copy and paste the equation(s) right into their home math software.
To illustrate, a simple example:
Y = \int \mathrm{y}\left( t\right) dt
As you can see in the attachement, the latex code worked in the Latex editor, but not in the forum. If it were not for that pure text line, you would not be able to read that equation at all unless you were willing to decipher the latex code itself manually.