Transistors Question.

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New Member

I'm learning about transistors and now to use them in switching and ampliflying circuits. I have built simple ciruits using the bipolar 2N2222 and the mosfet IRF510 to get the hang of using them. From what I have read (or at least this is how I intrepret it) the bipolar and mosfet transistors are capable of matching each other performance with the mosfet having the advantage of not drawing an input current. So it would seem to me that mosfets will be the better choice for designing circuits. Is this correct? And if so, why are most circuits in hobby magazine and on the internet using bipolar transistors rather than mosfets?

I would appreciate it if anyone can help me out on this.

Several reasons:

1) Personal preference, I think most people are more comfortable with bipolar, so they stay with them.

2) Cost/ Availability: Although mosfets are usually the choice for new products due to size and performance, you can still get bipolars cheaper or just even just pull one off a parts board.

3) How old is the person writing the article? Some guys still prefer tubes!
I didn't realize that mosfets costed more. It would make more sense to go with the cheaper option. Thanks for the info.
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