Transmitter help needed

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New Member
This is going to sound weird to anyone who reads it, but I am an amatuer Magician. I go to various day centres and clubs to entertain elderly people and disadvantaged youngsters.

I'm in the process of developing a mind reading act and need to get a device made like in the attached picture, sorry to dissalusion you but that's how its done.

I believe that it will transmit at 100-120MHz.



  • audiobug.jpg
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is it an am transmitter?

search google for am transmittors or am circuit diagrams of somehting like that if it is, there shoul be many simple one that you could use
I've had good success with the ones on this page (these same circuits are all over the web, including on this site).

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I built FM Transmitter #1 and it works real good if you're real careful with construction. I did it with all SMT and a good ground plane. The inductor was SMT, too, instead of a roll-your-own.

I built #2, also. It works, but not as well.

Sounds like you dont have much experience in electronics mr. oliphant. transmitters can be really tricky to build. u might just wanna buy one. I know that you can buy that one off the net.
Here is the websit that sells the transmitter.
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From what I read it is availible fully assembled also. Yes it is a FM transmitter.
(How do I add an image from a local drive?)
plz excuse my stupidity, but I dont know wat u mean by a local drive, im assuming u mean on a network cuz uve put up pictures bfore. well, just hit add attachment, and find the drive. oh, btw, could u chek ur pm's? i asked u a couple questions about that transmitter u posted.
I mean, how can attach an image (like the one above) that comes from a drive on my computer. I tried putting the path (C:\...) between the img but it didn't work.

I'll have to check my PMs about any questions you asked. I know someone asked me about a comment I made ground planes. Here is a good article:

Most of the questions asked in PMs are better asked in the forum, so everyone can benefit from the discussion, or correct my wildly inaccurate statements.

John Sorensen said:
I mean, how can attach an image (like the one above) that comes from a drive on my computer. I tried putting the path (C:\...) between the img but it didn't work.

Click on 'Add an Attachment' near the bottom of the 'Post a reply' screen, this then gives you another page which lets you upload your file to the Electro-Tech server.

You can't reference to C:/ between the img because that only refers to the file on YOUR computer, no one else will be able to see it. If you want to reference a file in that way you need to upload it to a web server somewhere, and use the URL for the file.
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ill put it in steps:

1. hit "add an attachment"
2. (the page will reload) scroll back down the page and hit browse
3. a window will come up, just like the one that comes up when you hit "open" on microsoft word or something like that. Now just navigate around and find the file
4. Highlight it and hit open.

its that simple :lol: . dont feel bad, i had trouble adding attachments when i was new also.

Most of the questions asked in PMs are better asked in the forum, so everyone can benefit from the discussion, or correct my wildly inaccurate statements.

As for that, i didn't really think that this really applied to this thread, but ill do that from now on
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