Traxxas RC car help

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Active Member
Hello all!
I am trying to get my traxxas 1/16 e-revo back up and running again after the steering servo lost some of its teeth.

I am replacing the gears with the same kind but metal here is a few pictures of the thing.

the problem I’m having is whenever I turn on the car even if the servo is attached to the wheels or not, the gears turn all the way to one side until it hits the metal rod and then it stays there grinding. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Traxxas support wasn’t much help.


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Somewhere in there, it has a potentiometer for position feedback from the output shaft to the servo electronics.

See the typical diagram below.

The electronics will run the motor in whichever direction needed to try and get the pot angle correct for the command pulse width.

If the output gear is not properly aligned with the pot, or the pot is not turning, it will hit the mechanical stops before the pot reaches the commanded position.

You need to examine the mechanical connection to the pot, wherever that is located, and make sure the mid position on that matches the mid position of the output gear.

Another example, a bit closer to the mechanics in yours. The pot spindle connection must somehow pass through the intermediate gear and up to the output one.

Thank you rjenkinsgb, I think that worked. I replaced the metal gear that had the pin in it with the plastic for testing and that did the trick. I might attempt to go back to the metal gear if the plastic one breaks but now I know what to look for.
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