Triacs control board - Is this circuit correct?

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Triacs control board

From an old issue of Elektor, every time I try to understand this circuit which seems to be drawn in a somewhat weird way, I get confused.

Could anyone with experience in AC control tell me if it is OK?

I will appreciate that.


  • Triacs control board.pdf
    127.2 KB · Views: 310
Looks typical. What part looks weird? A and K or the load side or something else?
It seems to me that the circuit was flipped vertically and the lettering applied later. Don't worry, as long as it works...
I worked on a light box that used solid state relays which were fun. I didn't have a schematic to use; I also worked with a company that used PWM to to dim a light. The was fun as well.

Do you plan on building something particular?
I think I'd use mpsa 92's instead of bc557b's, but it looks as though it'd work.
No for the moment;sinply thinking of repeating some basic test I did in the past with success but that I cannot recall details of today.

Have fun; I hope your ok with me putting the animated .gif on the other "Thread" I slowed it down. I've been wanting to slow it down; ever since I seen it.

Someone first posted it in the "Members Lounge" my mind *popped* when I seen it for the first time. I just felt it was running way to fast at the time.

I added it for anyone who might read your "Thread" just as a visual for those who need it. I've seen it on my Scope; but for those who don't have one.


Edit: Thanks to DP for taking a look and making sure its a good circuit.

It is OK for me. Contrary what is prevailing in this and other forums I do not find myself, as the thread starter, to be the "owner" of it. For me this is just a conversation and anyone can chime in.

Good you slowed it down. I always find those animations running too fast. (Maybe I am too slow?)

Gracias to you and also to Dr P.

The circuit was published in an article at the Elektor magazine in 1986.
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