triangle wave generator help

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5 volt dc. In theory it makes sence, the comparator output is negative, this is then connected to the integrators inverting input making a positive ramp. Which is the jump I am seeing on my oscilloscope, but it is not ramping down to negative again giving me a triangle wave. Instead the output stays positive, even when I replace R2 with a potentiometer to hopefully adjust the resistance a bit and see some waveform nothing seems to happen. sorry for my ramble,,, i think the first problem may be my comparator is not producing a square wave.
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The circuit requires a -Vs, add the two resistors as shown on this image.


  • AAesp02.gif
    37.9 KB · Views: 257
Didn't you see that the supply is +5V and -5v for a total of 10V and ground is at 0V?
I added the two resistors and the resistor to ground the output, it is still not working, its on the breadboard exactly as the schematic shows... i dont get it. why doesnt this work?
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