Trigger 555 on power up

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New Member

I'm sure I know the answer to this, but I can't for the life of me think what it is. SO. If you have (as shown below) 2 555s as a monostable and astable, where the astable only pulses for the duration that the monostable's output is high, how do you trigger the monostable on power-up? It must not stay on, and it must not be triggered again, until the whole thing is turned off and on again.



Edit: Ignore the component values, I will work them out at a later date.


  • diagj.jpg
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Put a capacitor in parallel with switch SW1. I would try a 1uf electrolytic with the + on the trigger pin and the negative to ground. The 555 will trigger on power up and each time SW1 is pressed.
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