Triggering a cell phone to send a message

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I am wanting to trigger a cell phone to send a message to selected numbers. I may be doing the wrong search but I can find nothing on the Internet

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The best job for this, is an old nokia. 3210, 3310 etc.

You can get into a message in a few short button presses on those phones, via the numeric keypad. Example:
Menu key, 2, 1 - will lead to create message for arguments sake

So map out the keys you want, and solder wires onto those keys on the keypad.
Then have your circuit, trigger those buttons and it will send your message, provided its a preset message. A non preset message will be a hassle.

This may not be exact, but you should get the idea

What phone do you plan to use?
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I didn't recommend the GSM module, because maybe cost is an issue, and maybe the op has a few phones laying around lol
with android smartphone you could program your own codes with java

btw what is going to be the trigger button?

(being smart -- usually the button that you would use is called the SEND button, or on some phones FOREWARD
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