Trimmer/Variable resistor problem

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New Member
Hi.. i have some problem here. i bought a trimmer-pot from a shop. somehow, i do not know how to use it. could can anyone please tell me how to use it?

i used multimeter to measure it resistance but its null. wonder if its the component faulty or the multimeter could not measure its resistance? but i doubt its the resistance cause the resistance is very small and at least it should read 0hm: in my meter. thanks

it has 2 pins and a screw on it for adjustment (but meter reads out of range though even i'd turn it)

p/s: i bought 3 and all have the same condition. thanks..
Zane83 said:
for heaven sake.. i was told by the shop it is variable resistor.. sigh!

Do they have Maplin stores in Malaysia?

Seriously, if it was a variable resistor it would have three pins instead of two.
CanonMan75 said:
Do they have Maplin stores in Malaysia?

Seriously, if it was a variable resistor it would have three pins instead of two.

Maplin store? *puzzled* hehe

anyway.. i did asked the guy who sell me that why is it 2 pins only.. he say DUNNO.. sigh.. wonder why people selling components dunno..
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