I can add diodes and MOSFETs to the standard.dio and standard.nmos libraries but not bipolar transistors to the standard.bjt library in LTSpice. With bipolar transistors only, two different types of formats open using WordPad. One seems to have a normal appearance that looks similar to a rich text file and the other has a strange appearance with all capital letters that are spaced one letter space apart. If I edit the the latter, not only does the standard.bjt file or library become inaccessible, LTSpice has to be reinstalled to correct the problem. If I try to add a new spice model to the rich text style file, a dialog box pops up and says " Access to C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceXVII\lib\cmp\standard.bjt was denied". Once again, I have no trouble adding new diode and MOSFET spice models to their perspective files.
What gives?