Troubleshooting Liquid Silicone Rubber Injection Molding Issues

Hi everyone,

I’m working with liquid silicone rubber (LSR) injection molding and have run into a few challenges.

I’m having trouble with achieving consistent part quality.

I’m noticing some issues with air bubbles and incomplete fills.

Can anyone share tips on how to optimize mold design or adjust process parameters to address these problems?

Any advice on selecting the right LSR material for better results would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance for any help
Are you applying vacuum to your uncurled pot after mixing (but before viscosity builds during curing? There is a lot of dissolved or entrained air in these resins. The heat generated during curing causes
1) air to come out of solution (hot liquids don't dissolve as much gas as cold liquids can hold
2) bubbles get bigger with temperature

It's very difficult to cast a perfectly clear part without degassing with vacuum.
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