I'm a beginner in electronics and circuitry, and for one of my first projects is to build a digital clock with 7-segment displays that shows the following 3 numbers in this specific way:
6 - without the "A" segment illuminated, meaning 6 only has 5 segments illuminated instead of the normal 6 segements that are illuminated. Making it look like a "b".
7 - with only segments A, B, and C illuminated.
9 - with segment "D" turned off, making it look like the 6 I mentioned above, but upside-down.
I'd also like it if the displays displayed the numbers in red.
The reason I want the numbers displayed in such a certain way is that it is asthetically pleasing to me, however, I cant find any microcontrollers that display the numbers this way, nor can I find a decent digital clock kit that displays the numbers this way.
If anyone knows of a microcontroller that displays the numbers this way, or knows of another method for me to achieve my goal, your help would be much appreciated. My end goal is a nice hand-made digital clock that I can put on my nightstand.
Thank you.