I have this great karaoke machine that I don't want to get rid of so I hope someone can give me any ideas on how to fix it. When I put the disc in and press play the disc starts to spin and then stops, and then nothing. I don't know why it starts up and stops, does anyone have any suggestions?
I have this great karaoke machine that I don't want to get rid of so I hope someone can give me any ideas on how to fix it. When I put the disc in and press play the disc starts to spin and then stops, and then nothing. I don't know why it starts up and stops, does anyone have any suggestions?
Most karaoke machines have special CD (DVD) disks. Some will karaoke machines will play standard CD (DVD) some will not. If you have tried two or more cd’s the are make for the machine, then almost for sure it is the CD drive that is at fault. It is very common for a CD drive to spin up and then fail to play. Most often is a laser error that prevent the system from operating. I don’t know if you can take the special karaoke CD and play then in a standard CD play to be CD is not scratched up to badly.
Karaoke Cd's aren't special, aside from the format they store the data in it's called CD+G, the CD players themselves are standard, so replacing the CD unit might be a possibility. A Karaoke disc should play in a standard CD player, you just won't get the graphics. Many DVD players will play CD+G discs.
My karoke machine uses plug in flash modules, and everything is contained within the microphone unit. Just a hand held mic with some RCA type conntector cables. To expand the song selection, I just order more flash plugins as I have lots of spare connector jacks on the unit. Technology continues to amaze me.
Yeah, I imagine companies would be leaning towards more proprietary formats liek that to avoid copying, it's not even moderatly difficult to copy a CD nowdays, DVDs and bluerays both are now easy, if not illegal to decode.