The actual maths part on projects such as those is generally quite simple, just straightforward multiplication and division for scaling or that type of thing - it's the input and output side that take more thinking about, to get accuracy and a "nice" display.
eg. An example of the total "maths" to convert an ADC value to voltage to be displayed (copied from DrG's post in another thread) - a single line in the overall program. "sigValue" is the raw reading from the ADC, a 10 bit one hence the 1024 constant.
voltage = sigValue * (4.85 / 1024.0);
You do need to understand the number types used in programming - int, float, double, long, unsigned int etc. and when to use each, but those are based on how numbers are stored in memory, not so much maths.
You also need to be able to design and understand electronics to be able to convert the input voltages to a range that the microcontroller ADCs can accept, and rectify the input if it's to read AC etc.
And you need to build a power supply to operate those electronics and the MCU + output / display.
Ready-built PSUs or DC-DC modules are fine for experimenting and one-offs, but are often too expensive or bulky to use in mass produced items, if you are thinking along those lines.
As others say - just start experimenting and building things - if you get stuck, ask for assistance!