Trying to get Seagate SV35.2 500GB missing PCB components.

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Hello everyone .

I have just got a IDE hdd for like free and the only thing keeping it from booting is some missing components 2 capacitors and a integrated circuit ; i hope someone got the same model and can share the values of the components ; i have a picture of the main PCB attached.

The components are marked in red.


  • s-l1600 modified.JPG
    189.3 KB · Views: 293
it's hard to tell, but the missing chip is going to be a regulator IC similar to the one next to the chip next to one of the missing caps. the difference will be what voltage comes out of the regulator. the missing cap next the regulator looks to be physically similar to the one next to the missing IC, so that might give you the value of the missing cap. the other cap, next to the smaller logic IC is going to be difficult because there doesn't appear to be another one like it on the board. so, now know you are missing a regulator IC similar to the one in the foreground that has a missing cap, but you don't know whether the output voltage is the same or different from the regulator chip in the foreground. you know the missing cap next to the regulator in the foreground is probably the same value as the one next to the missing regulator IC. the other cap next to the smaller logic IC looks similar to the four caps next to the right end of the barcode label, so measuring those might get you in the ballpark. since you have parts missing, it's really important to know how they became missing.... did they break off the board? were they desoldered? are all the PC board traces that go to the missing parts intact? something to seriously think about here, is is this drive actually worth it? when you can buy 2TB drives for $30, is it worth tinkering with a 1/2TB drive?... unless you're doing it for the sake of tinkering (which can be a lot of fun...). i have a couple of old RF signal generators, an old EICO vacuum tube type, and an old Knight JFET sig gen. i also have a HackRF and a MFJ antenna analyzer, which are useful as signal generators, and a lot more useful as measurement tools. but i still tinker with the old crude sig gens because that's what i had when i was a kid...
Why would you thing those missing components are all it needs?, why would they have been removed? - more likely the drive is faulty. It looks an old IDE drive anyway, so probably isn't very big and not worth bothering with.
Why would you thing those missing components are all it needs?, why would they have been removed? - more likely the drive is faulty. It looks an old IDE drive anyway, so probably isn't very big and not worth bothering with.
the reason i try to repair this is because i got for free so a little effort may make it alive .

and also it is a 500 gb it maybe useful for using with a ide to usb converter i have.
Thanks for your time mate.

i think the caps are not a problem the hdd can boot even without them.

but the ic is important .

i have also checked the pcb for other faults it seems like those components were taken off due to some scratching.
I've had a dig through my drive archive and found a similar (not quite identical) drive that looks to use the same device, pin connection-wise.

In this one the marking is E3P1S which cross references to NTMSD3P102R2
It's a FET plus diode combination, data here:

An STS5PF30L is a near pin equivalent to that, it has pins 2&3 internally connected - OK if the PCB also has 1-3 all linked.

And another with linked pins:
The third line is likely just a date code or batch number.

Look at your drive and see what pins are directly connected in what combination - it will be one of the parts I listed, to 99.9% certainty; it's just knowing which are compatible with the PCB.
According to the IC fairchild logo ; on the pcb ic pads 5-6-7-8 are all tied to ground.
Can you confirm pads 1 & 2 are directly connected?

Is pad 3 also directly connected to them, or separate?
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