Trying to make a circuit

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The 339 does give you a lot of spares. Maybe an LM393 would be better(and smaller). You can always use the IRF530PbF. It is TO-220.
I'm still not sure how I am going to connect everything, the parts are small! I could learn how to make/etch a board I guess (which at some point in time I'll do anyway)

Most of these are simple pins, I'm trying to avoid the surface mount option.
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The body "tab" on the left side in the photo is also the middle pin. So that big tab is easier to solder to than the little pins.
I started to order parts for the circuit listed, confused on some stuff such as which capacitor types to use, along with wattage, and voltage options.
here is my parts list, can someone give it the once over please?

Just wanted to make sure I'm getting the right stuff. Part numbers listed are from mouser.
Both C2 and C3 are .1 Ufd. You might save a bit by using multilayer ceramic at 25 or 50 volts. All resistors are 1/4 watt. Usually 1% metal film are cheapest. C1 can be an electrolytic and should be 15 or 25 volts. Looks good!
Don't be afraid to ask questions.
You could buy a small vector board at Radio Shack or someplace to build it on.
Ron V.
updated my mouser order. Most expensive thing was the relay @ $2.60
I ordered 10 of everything (except the relays) so I have plenty of chances to mess up.
While I wait I suppose I'll learn how to make a board.
I was thinking about this while I wait for my parts to get here, instead of using one audio channel to trigger my relay, what if I somehow combined the 2 audio channels, to trigger the input together?
This will be handy if I ever connect a mono device, or if my cables ever become damaged (it'll still trigger)

Is this possible without disturbing the audio signals (more than needed of course)

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I think it would be a little tricky to keep the right side from talking to the left side with just diodes. Best way might be to build 2 peak detectors feeding the same fet. That way they are tied together outside the radio.
if diodes allow electricity to only flow in one direction, wouldn't this be exactly what I need.
I just don't understand how the Diode values work.
if diodes allow electricity to only flow in one direction, wouldn't this be exactly what I need.
I just don't understand how the Diode values work.
Simply put diodes make AC into DC. thay are one way valves for DC not so much for AC, audio is AC and batterys are DC. Other than to say it will not work you need to study rectifiers.
It's hard to say if the diodes would work without knowing the voltage levels of your devices. For example the signal may be below the .6 volts to break down the diode, or there may be a DC offset that would make the right talk to the left.
Well, put it all together, hooked it up to power...
No smoke
checked my headphone jack to make sure I wasn't getting +12 to the leads (wasn't)

Hooked it to a speaker
Plugged the headphone jack into the laptop

...and nothing

So, any ideas what might/could be wrong?
or what I should check?

Looks like I hooked my IRF530 wrong.
I was using this Data Sheet
Which doesn't show which pins are D G and S.
Looks like the middle pin is the middle connection. Well no, this data sheet shows how its done. Looks like I have some pins to fix.


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