Trying to resolve issue with electronic gadget

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New Member
Hi Guys,

I've got this circuit I'm trying to test U1 which is an IC driver. I'm trying to identify if the driver is dead by measuring the voltage on pin 1OUT, I'm getting no voltage and no amps from that pin. Every other pin both in and out are reading ~11.5volts. Can someone point me in the right direction of how this works.

Please know I'm new to this.**broken link removed**
You have to put a low signal into pin2 to get a high out of pin 7 - shorting pins 4 & 5 of U2 will do this for you.
im seing voltage already at that pin, so no point in shorting
Actually there is. The 5k6 resistor is pulling pin2 high (which makes the output low), shorting the pins I mentioned will pull it low (which will make the output high).
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