turn old UPS into a Sine Wave Inverter

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ok, I understand why the grape gas plasma might be bad to breath, but why is viewing the plasma bad for you ... too much shortwave UV? Isn't the glass panel (or two) going to block out most of that UV?
justDIY said:
ok, I understand why the grape gas plasma might be bad to breath, but why is viewing the plasma bad for you ... too much shortwave UV? Isn't the glass panel (or two) going to block out most of that UV?

People often don't understand how this works and conclude that its the gas the grape gives off.

Try the same experiment, but cut the grape into two halves(not linking) and place them 1~2mm apart inside the microwave. There will be no plasma. This proves that it cannot be the gas coming off from a heated grape.
as I understood it, having the grape halved but connected, or two grapes, touching, forms a dipole antenna of roughly the correct wavelength, making the grape a 'lightning rod' of sorts for the rf energy. less than ideal grape configurations result in less energy collection, slower heating of the grape rather than instant vaporization of its juices, and therefore no plasma.

furthermore, placing an inverted cup all by itself in the microwave, with nothing but air under it does not result in the plasma forming ... smoke particles from burning need to be present, either from a grape being vaporized or a match or whatever

thats my analysis at least
Very close but not from the juice of the grape but its skin.

The "tiny" skin at the junction of the connected grape forms the load of the receiving antenna and get hot. It turns into carbon and then vapourize. You'll see a dark burnt mark at where the connecting skin was.

The "plasma" occurs the very moment when electric energy is channeled into this cloud of conducting vapour.
splitting semantical hairs here it seems, as the skin is part of the grape, so the grape is 'burning'?
hi there new to this forum i was looking for some help with my ups & came across this thread yes they do work well as a pure sine wive inverter ive got a 3750w ups with 48v feed if it buss then you have done something wrong? deppending on the ups they dont need any adapting ie. uve got a 240v feed in which charges your batteries 24v off the batteries which feeds which would be the back up power when your 240v feed in is cut out giving you constant 240v or 110v depending on where you r in the wold the 240v feed in will also convert to your 24v to charge your batteries.
there is a draw back though iron core transformers take power just running them they also need cooling this is unefficant at low power great for large sergis of power & full cerpasity running unlike the off the self pure sine wave inverters which are great for tick over use.
what im now looking into is heat sinking the iron core transformer then putting a thermastate on it also for the fan just incase its not anuf just wonderd if any 1 has done this yet?????
for the moment im just running a 400w pure sine wave inverter for my day to day running then kick the ups in when i need more power!
buy the way looking at your pics i think you have 24v single iron core transformer ups if its a 12v to find out the easy way put a 12v feed in on it if it doesnt work the voltege will be to low for it to work so there for it will be 24v?
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