I’m a newbie (almost, learned some basic coding using winavr couple of years ago, from youtube channel of ‘Patrickhood D.’, forgot most,). Now I want to start over again from the very basic. I want to use ‘Microchip studio’/ ‘Atmel studio’, AVRISP MK2, AVR MCU’s (like Atmega, AtTiny series).
I searched a lot in youtube and internet for this type of tutorials (it’s a very tedious task). Found many results. Failed to find any playlist which teaches from scratch to moderate level for a new beginner (there are many standalone tutorials or with few videos).
Can anyone pls suggest me of any detail tutorials in youtube (preferable) or in internet?
I searched a lot in youtube and internet for this type of tutorials (it’s a very tedious task). Found many results. Failed to find any playlist which teaches from scratch to moderate level for a new beginner (there are many standalone tutorials or with few videos).
Can anyone pls suggest me of any detail tutorials in youtube (preferable) or in internet?