I’m a newbie (almost, learned some basic coding using winavr couple of years ago, from youtube channel of ‘Patrickhood D.’, forgot most,). Now I want to start over again from the very basic. I want to use ‘Microchip studio’/ ‘Atmel studio’, AVRISP MK2, AVR MCU’s (like Atmega, AtTiny series).
I searched a lot in youtube and internet for this type of tutorials (it’s a very tedious task). Found many results. Failed to find any playlist which teaches from scratch to moderate level for a new beginner (there are many standalone tutorials or with few videos).
Can anyone pls suggest me of any detail tutorials in youtube (preferable) or in internet?
Often users, developers, hobbyists need timed and qualified event generators, many resorting to 555 timers and the like. The venerable 555 has had a long run but its limited in accuracy and capability. This approach uses block language to create...