Tutorials For the P16F877

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New Member
Does anyone jnow of any good tutorials for the P16F877???

I am using the MPlab ICD2 and PIC PLUS 2 demo board.

really required help
If I outlined my project, could you help please.

If I outlined my project, could you help please. I have never used a microcontroller before but i am required to do so for my final year project. Using the Micro-chip MPlab ICD 2 and the demo board.

My supervisor wants the P16F877 chip to be used and store data on its capture/recapture bit.

I would be very grateful if you could help.
you can use any programmer for programming PICs. buying an ICD or the PIC Plus board isnt mandatory.

whats compulsory is that you have to make the project. the choice of the tools should be on you. i would suggest that you go to Nigel Goodwin's site


there you can find programming hardware and software and great PIC tutorials!
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