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China TV 21 inches has this problem whenever i put it on, power LED will turn on normally and also line-transformer will sprays for 2-3 seconds and go back to standby mode. i have changed the the power ic and the flame ic yet it still the same. please i need help.
sounds like you have a short somewhere else than in the power supply, maybe the backlight board if there is one, maybe shorted backlight LEDs, maybe something shorted on the main PCB or the panel itself.... "China TV 21 inches" isn't specific enough to get any service data.... also "flame IC" wasn't translated very well, and in english sounds dangerous...
Like unclejed say's.
Obvious the supply turns on at start.
Some awaits a power good signal from periphal components.
Or the supply detects an overload.
How old is the TV Set?
At older Units often the elecrolytic Capacitators will go fail ( ESR to high, no capacity, shorts ).

Do You have a Schematic ?
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I suspect you've made a completely wrong 'guess'?

21 inch is an old CRT size, not an LCD one.

So it's probably an antique CRT set?.

But there's zero information in the OP, so impossible to make sensible suggestions.

you may check shorted driver transistor of fly-back transformer, or any diode in that area
China CRT TV 21 inches has this problem whenever i put it on, power LED will turn on normally and also line-transformer will sprays for 2-3 seconds and go back to standby mode. i have changed the the power ic and the flame ic yet it still the same. please i need help.
below is the panel for the tv.


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I found a schematic here.
The Live side looks to be a little different, because in the schematic is an IC at LIVE side.
I've found another schematic with Transistor drivers too, but the picture is crapy.
It seems to be T08X-21A-VS Chassis
At PCB it's marked with KB-3151C 1.6 ( at the pictures of "Samsontimy" ).
I hope that's helpful, or another User can find a better schematic.
I've take a look into the schematic.
The Power supply produces 5 Voltages
+5V CPU - I think it's standby Voltage for the CPU
+5V - Electronic supply
+110V - High Voltage / deflection
+27V - Power for deflection IC's
+8V - Additional Electronic Supply

At first I would measure if all of that voltages are present, when the TV runs in Power Mode ( 3 seconds ).

The 5V CPU , +27V and +110V should be present in standby too.
+27V and +110V would be lower value in standby, because the Power supply runs in standby Mode with lower power.
The other 2 Voltages will be swiched off by 2 Transistors.

Measure this and give us a feedback.
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