TV remote control finder!!!!!!!!!

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New Member

I am new to this site .. Looks like a really neat place to visit.

I have a rather large house and 2 small children. Put the two together and your TV remote control is no where to be found!
I need a project, somewhat like a cordless phone beeper that locates the phone, But I need it for the my remote control!!!
I imagine this device to have a small transmitter and a receiver.
The reciever is attached to the remote and beeps when the transmitter is triggered. If you know where I can get a schematic please let me know.

Now where is my remote!!

Thanks for your help!
Seems to be very helpful project. 8)
But I would like to suggest you a very simple method. Buy a whistle responding key-chain from the market and attach it to your remote. Now if your remote is lost just whistle and the key-chain will respond to it by whistling back or beep. :idea:
i thought of a whisle respunde, but what about using a radio device and a directional antenna to find the remote.
arrach the transmitter to the remote and make it emitt pulses, and use a directioanal antenna so you can find it.
it will be quite fun.
thing if this: fox hunting in your house.
it is not a very prectical idea, but it is funny.
It's not a project but I saw a neet device at The Sharper Image Co. The package has 4 stick on "buttons" and a master control. You stick the "buttons" on things that disapear. When you have lost item number 1, you go to the master control and press button #1. The stuck-on button #1 starts beeping. Apparently there is a market for people with kids (oops) I mean people who loose things.
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