I have all the basics from LONG AGO. Lots of different assembly languages and high level languages that you never here of anymore. I wrote in COBOL, ALGOL, APL, C, FORTRAN, BASIC , LISP, BASIC, PASCAL, G or LabView and probably more.
[Edit] - Add PostScript to the list.
I've written in PDP-8 assembly, PDP-11 assembly, Motorola 6800 assembly, 1802 assembly and regrettably Z-80 assembly like under CP/M.
I've written an operating system as part of a two member team and Real time processor control system (PID and recipes) in the 80's s a member of a two member team. I've done embedded stuff.
Just nothing really current.
I also as a member of a three man team built a simple processor that could sort numbers out of SSI circuits back in the late 70's. About the time the 4004 and 8008 were out.
I have a few processors that I can play with. They include a ARM LPC processor from MBED (
www.mbed.org). There, everything is web-based. Web-based compilers etc. Multiple platforms are supported. I have a couple of Coridium products - The Super Pro is one (which is ARM based). I also have a PICAXE.
Life has gotten in the way of playtime.