Two Buttons on Fluke Multimeter not functioning

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I have a Fluke 863 Multimeter and the 3 button and the HZ Button do not work. I opened the case and found out that there was a white crust like substance (1" x 1")near the battery contacts due to the original owner not removing the battery and storing it for a lengthy amount of time allowing the battery to leak out. I ordered a new keypad and elastomeric connector for it thinking this was the problem as the keypad appeared to be delaminated in the area of the buttons. I installed the new parts and the buttons still do not function. Any thoughts?

Now... The leak was contained between the aluminum like protective shield that segregates the back of the case where the batteries go from the eletronic components, so I don't know if this acid would have affected any of the actual components. The white crust like stuff was though found throughout the DMM. I am assuming from it being moved around and the flakes dispersing through the unit. Any thoughts?

Here is a picture of it and the buttons I am talking about.
**broken link removed**
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Yeah, clean all that crap out kind of goes without saying.. brush the bulk of it away, dissolve with a general mild solvent and air dry. Hope for the best.
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