two transistor driver

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I am going to use the output of the following circuit to drive a 7-segment LED display:

I am going to need 5 displays (and 5 such circuits). Is there an IC that contains the elements that I need (shown in the picture)?



  • leddriver.gif
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Well, there might be something that will work, depending on a few things.
What is the positive supply voltage? What are you driving the input with? How much current does the PNP have to pass?
> Well, there might be something that will work, depending on
> a few things.
Here come the answers:

> What is the positive supply voltage?
5 V (3.3V is also available)

> What are you driving the input with?
Xilinx FPGA (probably Xilinx 4000)

> How much current does the PNP have to pass?
A few mA. It is going to drive a LED
Well, the 74LVC4245A looks like it will work provided you keep total device current below 100ma. This would mean you would probably want to limit LED current to about 18ma each. The package may be larger than you hoped for.
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