Hi I,
Anything to save me remembering stuff is welcome.
TX is sending "0" or "1" depending on a BUTTON press, and can be seen on my terminal
RX turns on RLED or YLED depending on TX "0" or "1" but needs to be reset to change.
RX LEDs don't always come on after reset, approx 50%, but if they do they are the correct colour
RX CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hserget i
If i = Asc("0") Then '< --- -- 48 is number 0
Hserout "Number: ", i, CrLf
rled = 1
WaitMs 500
If i = Asc("1") Then '< --- -- 49 is number 1
Hserout "Number: ", i, CrLf
yled = 1
WaitMs 500
Goto main