ULN 2803 or 2003 spice model?

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thx Eric!

I have just finished a ULN2803 hierarchical circuit if you would like a copy.?

You could change the transistor type I used in the circuit [ 2N2222A],, for a closer match to the ULN.

Attached zipped ULN2803 hierarchical circuit


  • ULN2803.zip
    3.2 KB · Views: 4,132
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Hi Eric,

Is there any magic for setting up the directories for these?
You know the trouble I have with that..
Hi Eric,

Is there any magic for setting up the directories for these?
You know the trouble I have with that..

hi Ron,
I put the two asc files in 'MyWork/Digital' folder and the asy file in the 'lib/sym/misc'
OK, I give up.
Can you give me the whole path and file extension for each file?

I got it. I didn't have 2N2222A only 2N2222. So I edited the schematic.
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hi Ron,
These are my folders.

C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceIV\lib\sym\ULN2003m.asy
C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceIV\MyWork\Digital\ULN2003m.asc
C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceIV\MyWork\Digital\ULN2003m_test1.asc

Image shows ULN2003m in the list, when F2 is pressed.

Post back your folder names.


  • AAesp01.gif
    21.7 KB · Views: 1,172
Why bother simulating these old ICs that have a high voltage loss?
The simulation will have only typical values but some of the ICs have much more loss.
Why bother simulating these old ICs that have a high voltage loss?
The simulation will have only typical values but some of the ICs have much more loss.

hi agu,
An OP asked where he could get a ULN model, so I drew up a quick hierarchical model using 2N2222A.
If they want a more accurate model its possible to use a LTS transistor model and edit its parameters to suit.
Perfect. Thx very much.
I searched for this model for a long time.
I just had to adjust the NPNs and diode names.
I have attached a small example circuit.


  • Auswahl_001.png
    70.6 KB · Views: 401
Is the model for the ULN2003 give only "typical" specs or does it also give minimum and maximum specs like the devices that you buy??
Your example circuit wastes a lot of battery power since the ULN2003 turns the LEDs off by putting all the 12V current in the 330 ohm resistor instead of turning the LEDs on through a less wasteful series resistor then turning the LEDs off without wasting any current.
Ahh, I know.
That's just one example ^^
I designed this circuit because I still have "common cathode" 7 segment LED displays lying around
I will use a ICL7667. The output there can pull to Vdd and GND. The ULN2803 can only pull to GND. The ULN2803 will not work without a pullup resistor.
....excuse me for my terrible english!
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The ULN2003 pulls its output near 0V, the ULN2803 pulls its output near the positive supply voltage that is needed for driving your common cathode LED display.
Here the LTspice circuit.
See what happens when you remove R1.


  • icl7107_to_100mm_led.asc
    1.5 KB · Views: 276
Why are you using an ICL7667 Mosfet driver to blow itself up and blow up the LEDs? Your circuit has nothing to limit the current. Its output goes both high or goes low so R1 is not needed.
I do not have a model of an ICL7667 so could you please copy your simulation schematic as a PNG file and post it?
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