ULN2003A Swiching problem

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New Member
I am driving a ULN2003A from two pic outputs. Two 0 -5V 30khz square waves.
I have fed the output from the first driver into the input of the second ie
input pin1 output pin16 is fed into input pin2. And input pin 3 output pin 14 fed to input pin4

The outputs are pulled up to 5v using 10k resistors.

The problem that I have is the putpus drive from 5v to 0.7V. THe output doesn't go down to 0v and I don't understand why?

The output stages on the ULN are Darlington connected transistors, so you will always have one Vbe voltage drop, ie: 0.7V, never 0V.
Without even trying to understand what you are aiming to achieve by this odd configuration, the output problem is not Vbe but Vce(sat) of the chip ~0.2V if I have understood correctly.

For a 0v output, you need an N channel FET on the output.
Without even trying to understand what you are aiming to achieve by this odd configuration, the output problem is not Vbe but Vce(sat) of the chip ~0.2V if I have understood correctly.

For a 0v output, you need an N channel FET on the output.

hi WT,

The Vce sat is=> 0.7V, else the second transistor will not be biased on.

The ULN2003A was never intended to work well with a 10k load. (500uA) The graph in Eric's message does not show information at 500uA. The ULN2003A can not pull below 0.7 volts with any amount of load current. (OK... maybe 0mA)

The ULN2003A is slow and has capacitance. With a 10k resistor it probably does not work well at 10khz. The rise time is slow.
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