ULN2803 Question...

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Thank you for the code, I will do a sim in Proteus.

I presume Table1 is your character lookup table?

Just looking at the code, I presume "scan" drives the rows?

What do "shift" and "run1" do exactly? Looks like it's just incrementing?

Does this display anything properlyor just run a series of tests?

Also, there is a routine called "clock" yet, it references PORTC, 0, but there is nothing connected to PORTC?
sorry again.this picture is earlier schematic my project. my actual project change because some thought.PORTA can use for analog input for further implementation.

here i reupload my project in proteus with i use for simulation.but from here i build my project ofcourse still there is few change.but the principle my project base of this simulation.
(if can't extract change ext to .rar)
i can't upload my project yet, because my project not finish. my project matrix 7x72 later if finish i will post it.

run1 use for clear temp register and give value for lacation table. it can remove or just clear register except last for scroll continiouly.

shift use for make text scroll from right.


  • simulasi..zip
    27.8 KB · Views: 126
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