Ultimate outdoor LED light figure ideas

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New Member

Thanks for all your help in the past. I much appreciate it. I have something I've been wanting to do for a while. An outdoor light fixture that has a dusk to dawn LED light. Plus another light that is triggered by motion. I currently have these light fixtures, but they don't use anything buy incandescent bulbs. I got some water damage on one of them and it needs to be replaced. I'v been trying to figure out what the best way to make this energy efficient would be.

dusk to dawn. - There are AC photo cell conversion kits that should make this pretty easy. Some claim not to work with CFL bulbs. Any idea why that might be?

High power LED with motion dimmer. Does anyone know of a good circuit to use for this?

I'd certainly appreciate the help


20W LED lamp means for a 12V system you need a battery to supply 2A for 10Hrs to have a chance. for an SLA you need at 30-40AHrs since the rating is based on the 20AHr discharge rate. To guarantee light all night you need 4X the watt hr rating from the solar cells normally unless you have MPPT, in which case you might be able to get away with double (cell panels are rated at equatorial full sun at room temperature)
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