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Unable to change gpio (port) values

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New Member
Can anyone run below of this code and could you please find out why is GPIO values can't be changed.
thank you

#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000


//#use delay (clock = 4000000);

void _delay_ms(unsigned long n);

unsigned int cnt;

#define GREEN 0b00010000

#define trisio_cargreen 0b11101101
#define GPIO_cargreen 0b00001100
#define trisio_pedred 0b11101101
#define GPIO_pedred 0b000001010

void interrupt Isr(void)

  if (GPIF)

           for (cnt=0; cnt<=5; cnt++)  // prevent debouncing
         GPIO |= (1<<2);    // LED ON
          for(cnt=0; cnt<100;cnt++) // 10 seconds delay
         GPIO |= (1<<5);   // AMBER ON
         for(cnt=0; cnt<20;cnt++)   // 2 seconds delay

          GPIO &= ~(1<<2); // PED Led off 
          GPIO |= (1<<1); // PED green on
          GPIO &= ~(1<<5);  // AMber off
          GPIO &= ~(1<<4); // cars green off and RED on

    for(cnt=0; cnt<50;cnt++) // 5 seconds delay

        GPIO &= ~(1<<1);  // ped green off and RED on...

        GPIO |= (1<<5); // cars amber on..

       for(cnt=0; cnt<30;cnt++) // 3 seconds delay

      GPIO &= ~(1<<5); // cars amber off
      GPIO |= (1<<4);     // Cars green on and RED off


void main(void)

  ANSEL = 0b00000000;
	OPTION = 0b11010001;
	CMCON = 0b00000000;
TRISIO= 0B11111100;
     GIE = 1;



    TRISIO= trisio_pedred;

   // GPIO=GPIO_pedred;
    GPIO |= (1<<1); 

   TRISIO= trisio_cargreen;

   GPIO |= (1<<2);

   //TRISIO= 0B00001000;


   // while(1)
Your TRIS values inside the main WHILE loop are identical. There's no need to keep assigning it. Assign it once outside of the loop, and then leave it.

But it looks like the main problem is that you're changing GPIO output states very fast. Maybe it just looks like they're not changing.
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