Unable to use external clk

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New Member
Hi everyone.
Finally i finished programming my first code and tried burning it onto ATmeag32A micro-controller using Ponyser programmer via WinAVR. The program was successfully burnt but there is a complication.

I have programmed MCU to use 16MHz external frequency (crystal frequency) but now it is working at 1MHz using inbuilt clock. I have made the necessary alterations before burning the program. However, i am not succeeding with it.

Also, i got a warning but my program burning process was successful. Below is the screenshot of the same. Please help me and guide me in correct path.

I have also attached the file which i referred for burning. All the steps are explained in detail.


  • winavr_-Burning tutorial.pdf
    343.2 KB · Views: 934
  • Burn.JPG
    872.6 KB · Views: 392

Did you set correct fuse bits?
CKSEL must be 0b1111
Please post the actual code, I guess the warning could be the issue.
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