understanding flipflops

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New Member
im having trouble understanding flipflops and oneshots. so i made a cheat sheet for latches.i still need to understnd one shots and C R relationships. is there any more material that could help me?


  • latches.pdf
    137 KB · Views: 344
Hello there,

You might also look up the J-K Master/Slave flip flop.
A one-shot typically uses the charge time of an RC circuit to determine the one-shot period. A level-detect circuit in the one-shot trips when capacitor voltage reaches a specific level, which terminates the one-shot pulse. Look here under "Time-domain considerations" for more info on RC charge and discharge.
Wikipedia have some animated figures. Try to read here and see if that makes it more clear.

I found a nice site with interactive contents (clickable circuits). Try **broken link removed**.
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