Universal Infrared Receiver using Microcontroller PIC12C508A

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New Member
hai any one familiar in Microchip PIC12C508A ? i need your help urgent. i need a programme for my Universal infrared receiver final year project. If can email me direct at ky_lim1838@hotmail.com or add me in msn at same email address. thx alots
Re: Universal Infrared Receiver using Microcontroller PIC12C

Darren said:
hai any one familiar in Microchip PIC12C508A ? i need your help urgent. i need a programme for my Universal infrared receiver final year project. If can email me direct at ky_lim1838@hotmail.com or add me in msn at same email address. thx alots

What are you trying to do?, if it's to receive and decode ANY IR remote control you should be aware that there are a great many completely different formats - you would need to identify and support ALL of them.
actually i need to rewrite a programme (hex) for my universal infrared circuit. can you help me? this hardware is plug on comport computer then using a software to learn any remote control key code, after that you can use the remote control to control your computer. i need someone can help me write the programme for the PIC12C508A microcontroller.

I suggest you try google, there's a LOT of information about this subject on the Internet - but most just use the PC to read the IR as well, just feed an IR receiver IC directly into a pin of the parallel port.

You first need to devise a scheme that can cope with different coding types, often it's done by measuring the MARK and SPACE timings and storing it that way, rather than the actual code.

You might like to look at my PIC IR tutorial, which describes the Sony SIRC's system.
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