Unknown message in WinPic800 software

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I have two identical PIC programmers(Propic2 over LPT port).One is working correctly,other is not.When i connect bad working programmer to PC and press Detect device button in WinPic800 software the message comes:

INTOSC Mode/internal MCLR enable
Detected -> PIC16F84A
DEV ID -> 0x560

when i connect normal programmer and press Detect the message is:
Detected -> PIC16F84A
DEV ID -> 0x560

So both programmers detect controller but there is something wrong with MRCL int bad working programmer.Programmer detects device but i can't normally program controller with it.The schematic is the same.I need to find the mistake in bad working programmer.Where can be the problem and what strange message about MCLR means?
You've been building that programmer since Dec 2007, if you put $0.20 aside a day you could have bought a USB based programmer.

You need a really short printer cable less than 2'

The 'error' is telling you the answer! Do you have the data/programming/info sheet for a pic16f84a??
I agree with Bill, the Junebug is the way to go, I think anybody who bought one love it along with myself, just so much easier and faster.
Look for solder shorts, trace shorts. Do you have a meter and an eyeloop or mag glass??
If you built this check your solder joints, and make sure you clean off any flux.

Good Luck, Mike
>>You've been building that programmer since Dec 2007, if you put $0.20 aside a day you could have bought a USB based programmer

I built my programmer in February 2008 and it is working.One fellow got interested in PIC programming so i gave him the shematic and he copied my programmer.Unfortunately the replica is not working properly.So now i have to find the mistake in soldering.Thanks for help.
PS:as for USB,i'm planning to build it myself.
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