Unknown parameter "*" error in LTSpice

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I tried to replicate this Youtube video on simulating a triac in LTSpice:

I have uploaded my LTSpice schematic file triactest.asc, and have attached it to this post. On running the Simulation, I get the following error:

Error on line 18 : r:u1:1:_r1 u1:1:n02098 u1:1:trg 1.462* 0.342
Unknown parameter "*"
Direct Newton iteration for .op point succeeded.

Date: Thu Sep 09 14:55:58 2021
Total elapsed time: 0.751 seconds.

tnom = 27
temp = 27
method = modified trap
totiter = 39119
traniter = 39097
tranpoints = 12231
accept = 9784
rejected = 2447
matrix size = 60
fillins = 47
solver = Normal
Matrix Compiler1: 4.56 KB object code size 2.9/3.2/[0.7]
Matrix Compiler2: 5.00 KB object code size 1.1/1.7/[0.9]

What am I doing wrong please? Thanks in advance.

PS: The STMicro urls for downloading the Spice libraries have changed from the ones given in the Youtube video.

The new URLs are:

In both cases, click on the Spice models link & download the zipped libraries.


  • triactest.asc
    1.1 KB · Views: 293
Thanks to the efforts of Andy, over at the LTSpice User Group, I now have the answer to this problem.
The problem was caused by a typo in the STMicro Diac spice model library st_diacs.lib.
Line 79 of this file is:

R_R1 N02098 TRG 1.462*{Tr}

but which instead ought to be:

R_R1 N02098 TRG {1.462*Tr}

I have attached this file, with its typo corrected by Andy, to this post.

I thank you for your interest in this problem.
Thanks to the efforts of Andy, over at the LTSpice Users Group, I now have an answer to this problem.
The problem is due to a typo in the ST Micro Diac Spice library file, st_diacs.lib.

Line 79 of this file reads:

R_R1 N02098 TRG 1.462*{Tr}

when it ought to read:

R_R1 N02098 TRG {1.462*Tr}

This spice library file with the error corrected, is attached to this post.

I thank you for your interest in this problem.
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