Unknown parts...Pictures included...

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New Member
I got these 3 parts can you recognize them?

The first is a capacitor with 3 legs...

The second is a green thingie

The third is a very small part that i got from an old motherboard.


  • weird.gif
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  • green.jpg
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  • cap.jpg
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cap.jpg is an LC filter, centre leg ground. signal goes through the other 2 pins. Idon't know the green thingy. The last item is either a quartz crystal or a crystal oscillator. The frequency,32.768 kilohertz, is clearly marked.
Usually used to drive a real time clock
The manufacturer of first thing is Murata, the second is Fujitsu.I think the second part is a piezo resonator 16Mhz.
Try search on manufacturer website.
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