Unknown (to me) symbol

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the silicon must be doped with unobtainium...
Wow. You found a datasheet.
In that webpage, the symbol is just being used to represent a generic MOSFET. It's not suppose to represent a particular device. The circuits don't show anything connected to the gate, because that webpage is about the high-current parts of each converter, and the maths around that.

The circuits are not finished designs, they are just an indication of the topology of several types of converter.

Circuit diagrams omit detail in order to make the principle understandable. For instance, a circuit diagram will rarely show which wires have to take higher current, and if all the design details are added to a circuit diagram it will often become difficult to understand.

I think it is a good choice of symbol as it doesn't imply N or P type, and leaves the circuit diagram clearer for better understanding of the topologies.
I think it is a good choice of symbol as it doesn't imply N or P type, and leaves the circuit diagram clearer for better understanding of the topologies.
a lot of explanations of SMPS theory simply use SPST switches in place of the transistor.
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