Unrecognize Error

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New Member
Hi everyone

Anyone knows what does unrecognize error 102 means....this error appears when im trying to compile my program (pic16F877A) in MPLAB v7.10...Thank you very much

From MPLAB and MPASM Help File;

Assembler Errors
MPASM assembler errors are listed numerically below:

101 ERROR:
User error, invoked with the error directive.

102 Out of memory
Not enough memory for macros, #define's or internal processing.
thanks, i supposed i was something like that, it occurs when im trying to invoke a "file.h" into my program....thank you very much

Im not.....a workmate is....she asked me for help, and i ask all you for help...i found that very strange, but she read that somewhere, and she is convinced that it should work, why are you asking me that bonce?

Well there's the problem right there. The assembler only recognizes asm code. It cannot work with C code. Your workmate is going to have to look into getting a C compiler for the PIC. Google, or searching this message board, can get you info for buying one, or getting a limited version for free.
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