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Unreferenced function removed

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New Member
Like the title says, a unreferenced function is removed when i compile the code. However, the function, Calculations_Gyro, is used in my program... So i don't see how it would be unreferenced.... otherwise, it compiles fine...

#include <system.h>
#include <adc.h>

//Target PIC16F877 configuration word

//Set clock frequency
#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 20000000

* *
* *
* Definitions *
* *
* *

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
#define IR 10
#define IR_0 0
#define IR_1 1
#define Gyro 11
#define Gyro_0 2
#define Gyro_1 3
#define beeper_pin portd.0
#define shocker_pin portd.1

* *
* *
* Static Variable Declaration *
* *
* *

int convert_table[10] = {512,256,128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1};
int point_keeper;
short ADC_VALUE;
int beeper_range;
int shock_range;
int EyeThreshold;
int IRkeeperR;
int IRkeeperL;
int open;
int open1;
int spikes;
int x_average = 311; // reference voltage of 1.52V
int y_average = 352; // reference voltage of 1.72V

* *
* *
* Function Declaration *
* *
* *

void Setup( void );
void ADC_Initialization( void );
void Initialization( void );
int initial ( int channel_0 , int channel_1);
void GyroIR ( int channel_0, int channel_1, int GyroIR );
int Beeper( int activation);
int Shocker(int activation );
void Calculations_IR( int right_eye , int left_eye );
void Calculations_Gyro( int x_axis , int y_axis );
void Point_Check( void );
int Converter( short ADC_VALUE );

* *
* *
* Timer Interrupts *
* *
* *
static int tick = 0;
static int tick1 = 0;
static int tick2 = 0;
static int beeptick = 0;
static int beeptick1 = 0;
static int beeper_status = 0;

void interrupt( void )
if( intcon & (1<<T0IF) ) //Handle timer0 interrupt
// trigger every 500us
clear_bit( intcon, T0IF ); //clear timer 0 interrupt bit
tmr0 += 6; //make sure interrupt triggers at 500us
if (tick > 99) //tick has counted 50 ms
tick = 0;
if (tick1 > 19) // every 1 sec
tick1 = 0;
if (tick2 > 9) //every 10 second
tick2 = 0;
if (IRkeeperR > 1 && IRkeeperR < 12)
else if (IRkeeperL > 1 && IRkeeperL < 12)
if (point_keeper > 0) point_keeper -= 1;

if (spikes > 3 && spikes < 15) //ignore large amount of spikes
point_keeper += 2;
if (point_keeper > 0) point_keeper -= 1;
if( pir1 & (1<<TMR1IF) ) //Handle timer1 interrupt
clear_bit( pir1, TMR1IF ); //clear timer 1 interrupt bit
if( pir1 & (1<<TMR2IF) ) //Handle timer2 interrupt
// trigger every 500us
clear_bit( pir1, TMR2IF ); //clear timer 2 interrupt bit
tmr2 += 6; //make sure interrupt triggers at 500us
if (beeptick > 99) //tick has counted 50 ms
beeptick = 0;
if (beeptick1 > 19) // ever second
beeptick1 = 0;
beeper_status = ! beeper_status; //toggle beeper
portc.0 = beeper_status; // port subject to change

* *
* *
* Main Program *
* *
* *

void main( void )

while( 1 ) //Endless loop
GyroIR(IR_0, IR_1, IR);
GyroIR(Gyro_0, Gyro_1, Gyro);

* *
* *
* Initialization *
* *
* *
void Setup( void )
trisa = 0x0F; //Configure port A to input RA4 => RA0, output otherwise
trisb = 0x00; //Configure port B to all output
trisc = 0x00; //Configure port C to all output
trisd = 0x00; //Configure port D to all output
trise = 0x07; //Configure port E to all output RE2 => RE0 inputs

adcon0 = 0x41; //ADC runs at Fosc/8, channel RA0, Go = 0, ADON = ON
adcon1 = 0x80; //ADC is right justified,

//Set Timer0 mode
clear_bit( option_reg, T0CS ); //configure timer0 as a timer
//Set prescaler assignment
clear_bit( option_reg, PSA ); //prescaler is assigned to timer0
//Set prescaler rate
clear_bit( option_reg, PS2 ); //prescaler rate 1:2
clear_bit( option_reg, PS1 );
clear_bit( option_reg, PS0 );
//Set timer0 source edge selection
set_bit( option_reg, T0SE ); //increment on high-to-low transition on RA4/T0CKI pin

//Set timer 1 prescaler rate
clear_bit( t1con, T1CKPS1 ); //prescaler rate 1:1
clear_bit( t1con, T1CKPS0 );
//Set timer 1 mode
clear_bit( t1con, TMR1CS ); //Internal clock (FOSC/4)

//Set timer 2 prescaler rate
clear_bit( t2con, T2CKPS1 ); //prescaler rate 1:1
clear_bit( t2con, T2CKPS0 );
//Set timer 2 postscaler rate
clear_bit( t2con, TOUTPS3 ); //postscaler rate 1:1
clear_bit( t2con, TOUTPS2 );
clear_bit( t2con, TOUTPS1 );
clear_bit( t2con, TOUTPS0 );

set_bit( t1con, TMR1ON ); //enable timer 1

intcon = 0xA0; //Enable interrupts (Timer0 and Timer2)

void ADC_Initialization( void )
//Set up the ADC
volatile bit adc_on @ ADCON0 . ADON; //AC activate flag
set_bit(adcon1, ADFM); // AD result needs to be right justified
clear_bit(adcon1, PCFG0); // all analog inputs
clear_bit(adcon1, PCFG1); // Vref+ = Vdd
clear_bit(adcon1, PCFG2); // Vref- = Vss
set_bit(adcon0, ADCS1); // Select Tad = 32 * Tosc (this depends on the Xtal
//here 10 MHz, should work up to 20 MHz)
clear_bit(adcon0, CHS0); // Channel 0
clear_bit(adcon0, CHS1); //
clear_bit(adcon0, CHS2); //
adc_on = 1; // Activate AD module

void Initialization( void )
int averageIR;
int averageGyro;

averageIR = initial(IR_0, IR_1);

EyeThreshold = averageIR - 20; // tolerance range of 100mV of average

point_keeper = 0;
beeper_range = 5; // not finalized
shock_range = 10; // not finalized

int initial ( int channel_0 , int channel_1)
int x;
int y;
int ADC_G0;
int ADC_G1;
int i;
int initial;
int threshold;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
ADC_G0 = adc_measure(channel_0);
x = Converter (ADC_VALUE);
ADC_G1 = adc_measure(channel_1);
y = Converter (ADC_VALUE);

initial += (x + y) / 2;

return (initial / 5);

* *
* *
* Components Functions *
* *
* *

void GyroIR ( int channel_0, int channel_1, int GyroIR )
int ADC_R0;
int ADC_R1;
int right;
int left;

ADC_R0 = adc_measure(channel_0);
right = Converter (ADC_R0);
ADC_R1 = adc_measure(channel_1);
left = Converter (ADC_R1);

if (IR)
Calculations_IR(right, left);
else if (Gyro)
Calculations_Gyro(right, left);

int Beeper( int activation)
if (activation)
beeper_pin = 1;
return TRUE;
beeper_pin = 0;
return FALSE;

int Shocker(int activation )
if (activation)
shocker_pin = ON; //port not determined
return TRUE;
shocker_pin = OFF; //port not determined
return FALSE;

* *
* *
* IR and Gyro Algorithms *
* *
* *

void Calculations_IR( int right_eye , int left_eye )
if (right_eye < EyeThreshold)
IRkeeperR += 1;
if (left_eye < EyeThreshold)
IRkeeperL += 1;

void Calculations_Gyro(int x_axis, int y_axis)
int y_upper_limit = 389; //ignore anything above 1.90V
int y_lower_limit = 315; //ignore anything below 1.54V
int x_upper_limit = 348; //ignore anything above 1.70V
int x_lower_limit = 366; //ignore anything below 1.30V
int flux_limit = 5; // flux is within 25mV of average

if ((y_axis < y_upper_limit) && (y_axis > y_lower_limit))
//check that y spike is not too significant
if ((x_axis < x_upper_limit) && (x_axis > x_lower_limit))
// check that x spike is not too significant
if ((x_axis < (x_average + flux_limit)) && (x_axis > (x_average - flux_limit)))
// most likely normal head movement
else if ((y_axis < (y_average + flux_limit)) && (y_axis > (y_average - flux_limit)))
// most likely normal head movement
// spikes within range
spikes++; //keep track of number of spikes


void Point_Check( void )
if (point_keeper < beeper_range)
else if (point_keeper > beeper_range && point_keeper < shock_range)

int Converter( short ADC_VALUE )
int counter;

if (ADC_VALUE.0) counter += convert_table[0]; // convert binary to digital
if (ADC_VALUE.1) counter += convert_table[1];
if (ADC_VALUE.2) counter += convert_table[2];
if (ADC_VALUE.3) counter += convert_table[3];
if (ADC_VALUE.4) counter += convert_table[4];
if (ADC_VALUE.5) counter += convert_table[5];
if (ADC_VALUE.6) counter += convert_table[6];
if (ADC_VALUE.7) counter += convert_table[7];
if (ADC_VALUE.8) counter += convert_table[8];
if (ADC_VALUE.9) counter += convert_table[9];

return counter;
Last edited:
Just a guess,

As you have IR defined as 10 then your if (IR) will always be true and the elseif will get discarded.

Hint: If you put you put [ c o d e ] and [ / c o d e ] tags (without the spaces) around your program it will preserve the formatting. Make it easier to read. It will also put the code in a scrollable box.

void main()
   yada yada yada
MizuRyuu said:
Thank you.... i didn't notice it.... just need to add the == statement... thank you
You will also have the same problem with the if (GYRO) that follows.

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