Unreferenced function removed

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New Member
Like the title says, a unreferenced function is removed when i compile the code. However, the function, Calculations_Gyro, is used in my program... So i don't see how it would be unreferenced.... otherwise, it compiles fine...

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Just a guess,

As you have IR defined as 10 then your if (IR) will always be true and the elseif will get discarded.

Hint: If you put you put [ c o d e ] and [ / c o d e ] tags (without the spaces) around your program it will preserve the formatting. Make it easier to read. It will also put the code in a scrollable box.

void main()
   yada yada yada
MizuRyuu said:
Thank you.... i didn't notice it.... just need to add the == statement... thank you
You will also have the same problem with the if (GYRO) that follows.

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