Unsolicited Personal Inmail

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Why all the apology acceptances ? An engineering student in India (which is a leading and emerging electronic IT country) is probably quite "computer savy". AND very probably is quite aware of forum etiquettes.

His method of trying to solicit info was wrong. I searched the forum and I still can not find a new post with his original enquiry.

I really do not care if his intentions were misguided or deliberate.

I was just worried that his private email to me breached guidelines or posed a security risk (as stated in my opening post). as I found "ZIP" on his name or posts.

As has been explained to me this is possible. Ok, lets move on, I accept that someone whom I cannot locate on this forum is allowed to post private messages. I think that this "loop hole" should be reviewed. (Post before Access to Private Mail Messaging)

Lastly, I cannot think of one occasion where anyone would join a forum AND NOT make a new post or reply to a post !

Sorry, I dont feel at all inclined to feel sorry for Prathosh, Sorry, Sorry ( do I get another green blob too)


Edit later ; I just saw his name in another thread on this forum and he has an Avatar. As far as I am concerned that means that he is not a complete Newbie and is familiar with forums and the way forums operate.

Cheers RH
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no sir.Really this is my first forum.Believe me.When this happened i just tried to know about this forum and while doing this i felt like using a picture against my name and assigned one.I will post my question soon.
RetiredHAL said:
Edit later ; I just saw his name in another thread on this forum and he has an Avatar. As far as I am concerned that means that he is not a complete Newbie and is familiar with forums and the way forums operate.

Cheers RH

Oh, I dunno. I figured out avatars after about 2 seconds my very first time on a forum ever. It ain't exactly rocket surgery.

sir we come here just for the sake of knowledge.i don't want to disturb others.i felt bad when Mr.sarma said about my mistake.So i just wanted to rectify it and the only way i found was to apologize.I don't wanted to pose myself great here.We lack some facilities here which you people don't.so i wanted to learn more and i found this was one of the ways.This is actual fact. please don't think otherwise.
Great Sir, RetiredHal, I admire your openness. I only wish to see 5stars across your name soon. I feel there a way to block PM or e-mail.
Perhaps, openness and accepting what he did was wrong, would have have paid him

I feel we need not bother about the squares or stars across our names. If, we can serve, we can , Take my example, a retired person. I want to learn further and share what i think I know to others, and I am sure this puts a lot of strain on my mind to rehearse the subject, and I love it. lot of learning I am able to do on an international and technical site like this.

I feel prod of being in a society of eminent people spread across the world, but so close. I really enjoy the global village effect, courtesy the invention of Internet and world wide web. Same time I am thankful for getting taught, how to move around in this society, learning from my likely mistakes.
This is the secret of youth, in a nutshell. Our minds are like our muscles; the more we use what we have, the more we are given to use!

That is a great thing to feel proud about! I don't know how old you are, but I do think you are wise.
BeeBop said:
This is the secret of youth, in a nutshell. Our minds are like our muscles; the more we use what we have, the more we are given to use!

That is a great thing to feel proud about! I don't know how old you are, but I do think you are wise.

Thanks BeeBop.
as my personal data is open and I am running 63 now, having retired from Indian Telecom, where i was lucky to serve nearly 40 years including an year of training. I don't really know whether wise, but i know one thing for sure, I have to learn to avoid being childish at times.
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Wow, you have 12 years more than I. I hope you are around much longer yet!

I think we all need to learn to avoid being childish (at least I do,) but child-like is good.
BeeBop said:
Wow, you have 12 years more than I. I hope you are around much longer yet!

I think we all need to learn to avoid being childish (at least I do,) but child-like is good.
(OFFTOPIC) -- Being childish has worked for Michael Jackson so far...

Morning Sarma,

At 63 you are still a 'spring chicken'.!

I am 76 this year and only semi-retired, what you might call an 'old rooster'.

ericgibbs said:
Morning Sarma,

At 63 you are still a 'spring chicken'.!

I am 76 this year and only semi-retired, what you might call an 'old rooster'

Thanks for your kind feelings .

As years passed on, my personal desire that to do academic higher education from a regular engineering college after my graduation with Maths and physics, did make me hungry to continue learning after retirement.-- in fact what all we new then is not that relevant, except electrical funda. Later of course i took a post graduate diploma in electronics and telecom from IETE (an Indian institution like C&G institution of UK).

Now that I am free and wanted to continue with the experience gained from the department of telecom, where i worked for serving analog and digital transmission and switching equipments, The only way is to try to live with a dynamic community.

The general retirement in India is at 60 from govt services. I admire your health and hope to see you as healthy at your century completion Sir,
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ericgibbs said:
Morning Sarma,

At 63 you are still a 'spring chicken'.!

I am 76 this year and only semi-retired, what you might call an 'old rooster'.


Wow! Hope I'm half as sharp as you, by the time I get there.
It is a real eye opener when you discover the age of various members here. Just goes to show that age is really just irrelevant.

Pommie said:
It is a real eye opener when you discover the age of various members here. Just goes to show that age is really just irrelevant.


hi Mike,

As the man said, 'its not the age, its the mileage!.'

EDIT: just to complete my CV, 2 children, 6 grand children and 13 great grand children...

Hi BeeBop,
I'm sure you will be one day, remember moderation in all things...
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Eric, I can't beat you or mvs sarma , I am 61, 8 grandchildren, but I am on track. Watch this space (10 years from now)
Cheers RH
RH, you are already ahead of at least MVS Sarma , having 8 Grand children. All the best to all.
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