Unusual Halt whilst debugging

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Dear All,

Sorry for the lack of information but I am not even sure where to start looking.

I coded an 18F2550 to use SPI + DS1306 in assembler (via a JuneBug) and it worked fine.

After a break in ASM to do a bit of C I thought I would revisit the previous code and convert it to C.

Running the original code (which used to worked fine) it is starting to demonstrate strange behaviour.

If I just Compile + Program + Run the code it halts at the same location every time ($13A), if I pad that area of code with NOP's and do the same again it still stops at the same location.

I have confirmed that there are no breakpoints in the code.

I can only assume that there may have been something in my previous C projects that have messed up the IDE?

Any ideas or suggestions?


It could be you have stumbled into the dreaded phantom breakpoint bug. If you switch from the PK2 to the simulator or the other way around with any breakpoints set they will become PHANTOM. They are there and enabled but you can not see or get rid of them The only fix I know is to remove the workspace file, it is ok to keep the project file.

Could be fixed in 8.14 but I have not had a chance to try it.
Thanks 3v0, did as you suggested (recreated the workspace) and it works fine.

All the best

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