Upgrading Fusilli :)

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I had a couple questions about how I could create a Infrared Light seeking robot. This would work on the same concept as Fusilli, but it would seek a IR beacon to track while it's body would follow it. I would have the input go to a motor (one way Hbridge) while it's head would track the beacon. This idea could later go on to be for a PIC project that I would do. This is a horse and Rider Configuration. It would do some frivious task then when the battery is low it would activiate the IR beacon and find it's little home (just like a drunk guy)

Any suggestions? I googled it already


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I dont care If i have to even use the BS2!!! (im just that crazy 0.o)
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Krumlink said:
... This idea could later go on to be for a PIC project that I would do. ...

Great news. Let me know when you get to where you want to add the PIC. I may have a PIC PCB that you could use for the "brain". If you opt to program in C I can help you with the code. PM me when you are there.
Thanks alot 3v0, I am still in the design phase, but this project is a definate yes. I have finished my binary clock, fixed fusilli, and some other stuff too. This is now on the soldering board (ha ha that was a good one! ) Visit the site I PM ed you.

I was going to use that circuit for the body. Here is what the robot is going to do in order of importance:

1. Explore the target room and avoid obstacles.
2. Avoid getting stuck and keep from stopping.
3. When battery is low, find charging dock.

The charger dock will be controlled manually. This is where Fusilli comes in. Fusilli will have IR Sensors near its "ears" and it will seek the IR signal (rider). Fusilli will track the light or lock onto it and it will send signals to its body (the horse) and tell it where to go. The body will then go to the IR beacon while avoiding obstacles. I am going to get a part list and go from there. I will build the PCB first, using only CMOS chips. Everything else (the body) will be mounted to some kind of body. I want this body to be really nice, seeing how this robot will be reall cool. I will also need some kind of coaster, I was thinking of a ball bearing in some kind of casing. I took off the cover of a mouse ball and I will use that (I have about 20 ball mouses )

How alike is C and C++? I was going to help my tech teacher get the class going by getting a survey and stuff.

I would rather use C though, maybe I could coax him out of C++, but seeing how he has programmed chips in Cars for 30+ years, that may be difficult
What Chip Should I use? Preferably the 18F series, with a Internal oscilliator so I dont have to mess with that even Though its easy

I also have the student software program for the 18F working, so all I need now is the stuff to do it and the programmer, preferably a cheap one that is of high quality. I wish my 16F complier was working for Bill's board
Omg! I Am Such A Retard Of The Highest Level!!!

I Forgot To Enable The 16f Complier Into Mplabide All Along!!!!!!!


I Can Use Bills Board Hooray!!!

C++ is a structured version of C. If you teacher is fluent in C++ then I suggest you learn C++. Structured programing is rather nifty. The short version is that you code is made up of things (objects) that know how to do things (methods) and talk to each other via messages. Your H-Bridge code could be an object that knows how to activate the motors and understands messages about what to do.

When you learn how to program in C++ you will have learned to program in C too.

I am glad to hear that you have someone to teach you locally. It is much easier then doing it via net/mail/forum etc.

You goals for this robot are good ones. Just keep in mind that you have to do it one step at a time. First get it moving. Then vary the speed. And so on. Will take a while to learn enough to finish it. Do not get discouraged. The things you learn along the way will help you the next time you build a robot too. The time spent is an investment.
Thanks a lot!

All I need now is the PIC I should use (I want one with a INTERNOSC and perferably a lot of I/O pins) and the Inchworm+ board. I will PM blueroom and see if I can get somthing hooked up
IMHO good PICs with internal intosc

16f88 (1 pwm nice wee 18pin with debug)
16f886 (2 pwm new)
16f887 (2pwm lots of I/O, replaces the 16F877)

18f (better for C, Swordfish BASIC, modern, very little bank switching, more of everything means may be overwhelming)
18f2525 (mongoose uses this, 2pwm)
18f4620 (nice 40pin PIC)

Avoid the 24,30 & 33 series PICs till you're familiar with 8bit pics.
Good choice, the 16f887 should be a very popular PIC. Should be able to use 16f877a programs with very few changes.

I've used the 16f886 on the Dragonfly kit and it's a nice chip.
I am now faced with 3 problems:
Where and when can I get the Inchworm+?
What book on C++ should I get and How do I use MPLAB IDE?
What avatar should I use? My current one is scary
Krumlink said:
I am now faced with 3 problems:
Where and when can I get the Inchworm+?
Buy the kit from dipMicro.com.

What book on C++ should I get and How do I use MPLAB IDE?
The person teaching you C++ should pick the book.
He should also tell you what compiler to use.
I am not sure who makes a C++ compiler for the 16F series.
IAR has them for the 18F.

What avatar should I use? My current one is scary
How about one of your robots??
Are their any reccomended books I should get on programming in C or C++ in general? My teacher was unavailable today so I was not able to talk to him.

Also, they are out of Inchworm+ unfortunately
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Krumlink said:
Are their any reccomended books I should get on programming in C or C++ in general? My teacher was unavailable today so I was not able to talk to him.

Also, they are out of Inchworm+ unfortunately

You do need to talk with him first. There are so many ways to go that most any suggestion you get here would hut rather then help.
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