upgrading to USB programmer

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HI i finally decided to make a USB programme AVR USBasp and leave my serial programme behind. i am following this https://rabiuls.wordpress.com/2011/08/06/atmel-avr-programmer-usbasp-modifiedsimplified-pcb/ and made the pcb, drilled it and soldered all the parts except the usb, for USB i am using a old camera USB cable. Now i am a bit confused, in the pcb there are four holes for USB connection, out of the four which 2 are 5v+- and data +- . My cable red and black is power and green white is data.
The RED is +5V , BLACK is 0V

GREEN is +D and WHITE is -D

Is this what you are asking.?
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Look at this marked up image.

NOTE: the +/-D correction in my first post.

Added the PCB track for clarity.
I am not impressed by the PCB artwork layout.


  • pcb.jpg
    117.8 KB · Views: 241
  • pcb2.jpg
    118.9 KB · Views: 258
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Lets know how the project goes.
hi the project was smooth here are some pictures of my programmer
update- toner transfer and hand drilled.

but there is problem. the programmer is only recognized as usbasp device in my fathers PC which is win7 AMD processor. in my laptop and pc which is Intel and win7 it is detected as unknown device.
don't know what to do kind of stuck.
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